1992 – USA, Washington DC, National Jewish Museum
1997 – USA, New York, New York. Heidi Neuhoff Gallery
1999, April – USA, California, San Francisco. The Tides Foundation. Exhibition “Keepers of the Flame: Rescued Artwork”
1998, March – Russia, Saint Petersburg. Galereya Art Kollegiia, Festival “Anatomiia sovremennogo iskusstva” [Art Kollegiia Gallery “Anatomy of Contemporary Art”]
1997, October – Russia, Saint Petersburg. Tsentral’nyi vystavochnyi zal (Manezh) [Central Exhibition Hall (Manezh), “K 20-letiiu Manezha” [“Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Manezh”]
1997 – USA, Florida. International Gallery Festival
1995 – USA, New Jersey, New Brunswick. Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Museum of Art, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Norton and Nancy Dodge Collection of Nonconformist art from the Soviet Union.
1995 – Russia, Saint Petersburg. Tsentral’nyi Vystavochnyi zal (Manezh), “Peterburg ‘94”; otdel “20 let Gaza-Nevskoi kul’tury”. [Central Exhibition Hall (Manezh), “20 years of Gaza-Nevskii Culture”]
1995 – Germany (Kiel, Berlin); Norway (Oslo); Poland (Sopot). “Selbstidentifikation: Self Identification”. Russia, Saint Petersburg. Tsentral’nyi Vystavochnyi zal (Manezh) [Central Exhibition Hall (Manezh)].
1994, July – Russia, Saint Petersburg. Tsentral’nyi Vystavochnyi zal (Manezh), “Chastnye kollektsii” [Central Exhibition Hall (Manezh), “Private Collections”]
1992 – USA, California, San Francisco. Exhibition of Russian artists “Expectation of Miracles: Russian Art at Home and Abroad”
1990, December-1991, January – Leningrad. Tsentral’nyi Vystavochnyi zal (Manezh) [Central Exhibition Hall (Manezh)]. Exhibition: “Nebo i Tverd’” [“Heaven and Firmament”]
1990-1992 – USA, California (Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Fisher Gallery); New York (Clinton, Hamilton College, Emerson Gallery); Pennsylvania (Collegeville, Ursinus College, Berman Museum of Art). Exhibit of Leningrad artistis: “Keepers of the Flame”
1990, October-November – Leningrad. Tsentral’nyi Vystavochnyi Zal (Manezh) [Central Exhibition Hall (Manezh)]. “Festival Leningradskikh Gallerei” [“Festival of Leningrad Galleries”]
1990, October – Leningrad. Dvorets Kul’tury imeni S.M. Kirova [S. M. Kirov Palace of Culture]. Exhibition of Jewish artists, “Beyt”
1990, June – Lithuania, Siauliai, Lithuanian National Jewish Museum. Exhibition of Lithuanian, Moscow and Leningrad artists
1989, December-1990, January – Leningrad. Vystavochny zal Soiuza Khudozhnikov RSFSR (na Okhte). [Exhibition Hall of the RSFSR Union of Artists (Okhta region)]. TEII Anniversary exhibition
1989, October – USA, California, Marin County. Exhibitions in private homes.
1989, September – USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Aleph Group exhibit. “Creativity Under Duress”
1989, June – Leningrad. Muzei istorii goroda [Museum of the History of the City]. Exhibition: “Dva Pokolenia” [“Two Generations”]
1989, February-March – Leningrad. Dom kul’tury rabotnikov pishchevoi promyshlennosti. “23 Khudozhnika TEII” [Food Industry Workers’ House of Culture. “23 TEII Artists”]
1989, January-February – Leningrad. Gavan’ vystavochnyi pavilion [Harbor Exhibition Pavilion]. Exhibition: “Ot Neofitsial’nogo Iskusstva k Perestroike” [From Unofficial Art to Perestroika”]
1988, December-1989, January – Leningrad. Tsentral’nyi Vystavochnyi zal (Manezh) [Central Exhibition Hall (Manezh)]. Exhibition: “Sovremennoe Iskusstvo Leningrada” [“Contemporary Art of Leningrad”]
1988, 28 November-14 December – Belorussia, Grodno. Dom Tekhniki . “Vistavka molodykh khudozhnikov Grodno-Leningrada” [Technology Building. “Exhibit of Young Grodno-Leningrad Artists”]
1987, 15 December - 1988,10 January – Leningrad. Vystavochnyi zal Soiuza Khudozhnikov RSFSR (na Okhte) [Exhibition Hall of the RSFSR Union of Artists (Okhta region)], exhibition “TEII-87”
1987, 15 November–15 December – Moscow. MGU [Moscow State University], TEII exhibition
1987, 20 May-17 June – Leningrad. Dvorets Molodezhi [Youth Palace], “TEII Gallery”
1987, 14-25 January – Leningrad. Gavan’ vystavochnyi pavilion [Harbor Exhibition Pavilion] “Vistavka khudozhnikov TEII” [“TEII Artists Exhibition”]
1986-1987, January – Leningrad. Vystavochnyi zal muzeev Leningradskoi oblasti (Liteinyi Prospekt, 57)[Exhibition Hall of the Leningrad Region Museums], “Vystavka semi”[“Exhibit of Seven”] (V. Voinov, V. Gerasimenko, I. Ivanov, B. Koshelokhov, A. Manusov, E. Orlov, E. Tykotskii)
1986, 15-19 May – Leningrad. Dvorets Molodezhi [Youth Palace]. The exhibition was removed by the artists when authorities demanded that a large number of paintings be excluded.
1986, May – Estonia, Kohtla Jarve. Filial Gosudarstvennogo Khudozhestvennogo Muzeia Estonskoi SSR. [Affiliate of the State Art Museum of the Estonian SSR]
1986, April – Estonia, Tallinn. Kadriorg National Picture Gallery
1985 – Leningrad. Vystavochnyi zal muzeev Leningradskoi oblasti (Liteinyi Prospekt, 57) [Exhibition Hall of the Leningrad Region Museums]. “Vystavka semi” [“Exhibit of Seven”] (V. Voinov, V. Gerasimenko, I. Ivanov, A. Manusov, E. Orlov, N. Sazhin, E. Tykotskii)
1985, 15 March – 10 April – Leningrad. Dvorets Molodezhi [Youth Palace], TEII exhibition
1984 – Estonia, Narva-Joesuu. Exhibition of 15 Leningrad artists
1984, 27 March – 20 April – Leningrad. Dvorets Molodezhi [Youth Palace], TEII exhibition
1982, 12 October – 5 November – Leningrad. Dvorets Kul’tury imeni S. M. Kirova [S. M. Kirov Palace of Culture], comprehensive TEII exhibition.
1982 – Leningrad. Literaturnyi Muzei F. M. Dostoevskogo [F. M. Dostoevskii Museum]
1981, 14-17 November – Leningrad. Apartment exhibit of unofficial artists (61 Bronnitskaya St.)
1980, September – Leningrad. Dvorets Kul’tury imeni S.M. Kirova [S. M. Kirov Palace of Culture]. Exhibition of 15 artists
1980, July – Leningrad. Dvorets Molodezhi [Youth Palace]. “Olimpiiskaia” [“Olympics”] exhibition of young artists
1978, December – Armenia, Erevan. Museum of Contemporary Art
1977-1978 – Leningrad. Apartment exhibits at I. Loginov, G. Mikhailov, and the Kazarinov family
1976 – USA (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit). Canada (Montreal). Exhibition of the Aleph Group.
1976, May – Leningrad. Apartment exhibit at Evgenii Abezgaus. Formation of the Aleph Group.
1975, 12-21 December – Moscow. Apartment exhibit at Aida Khmeleva and Vladimir Sichev's apartment
1975, 23-30 November – Leningrad. Apartment exhibit at Evgenii Abezgaus' apartment
1975, 10-20 December – Leningrad. Dvorets Kul’tury “Nevskii” [“Nevskii” Palace of Culture]
1974, 22-25 December - Leningrad. Dvorets Kul’tury imeni I.I. Gaza [I.I. Gaza Palace of Culture]